卓越伙伴关系管理体系(MAPs- Management of Advanced Partnership)是面向外部的中国航发商发的质量管理体系,包含一整套中国航发商发对质量、成本、交付、管理和环境的要求,适用于对中国航发商发及客户需求产生影响的、所有提供产品或服务的供应商。目的是增加供应商的现有质量管理体系(包括外部例如ISO 9000 /AS9100要求)的更多细节,如目前没有涉及的中国航发商发或客户和监管机构的特殊要求等,正式地向供应商传达中国航发商发对合作共赢和改进方面的期望和要求。 

The MAPs (Management of Advanced Partnership System)is a quality management system applicable to suppliers issued by AECC CAE. Itcontains a set of requirements for quality, cost, delivery, management andenvironment. It is applicable to all suppliers with impact on the demand ofAECC CAE and customers supplying products or services. The purpose is to addmore details of the supplier's existing quality management system (includingexternal requirements such as ISO 9000 / AS9100), such as the specialrequirements of AECC CAE or customers and regulatory agencies, which arecurrently not involved, and officially state to suppliers the expectations andrequirements in terms of win-win cooperation and improvement of the Company.

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